Logo der Rekrutierungs-Agentur Magic Billion - Skilled to your needs

Are you looking for qualified specialists?

Magic Billion offers you an all-round service for the recruitment of skilled workers and trainees from India.

Illustration einer weiblichen und einer männlichen Person die in ihrer Mitte ein Puzzle-Teil halten

We help you to attract competent employees from India for your company.

Take advantage of our many years of experience, our expertise and our excellent infrastructure to fill open positions in your company with highly motivated Indian specialists.

Magic Billion has been successfully placing Indian specialists with companies in numerous countries for many years and offers tailor-made solutions for many industries and requirement profiles.

We select suitable candidates for you and prepare them comprehensively for work in Germany. Our placement rate is over 95% .

We meet all official requirements and have the necessary licensing from the Indian government. We take care of all documents and organizational matters and support your new employees upon entry and on site. As a customer, you can follow the entire process via online tracking in Salesforce -  this makes planning easier for you and saves time and money.

Illustration einer sitzenden weiblichen Person auf die von rechts eine männliche Person zukommt
Gruppenbild des indischen Magic Billion-Teams auf einer Wiese vor begrüntem Hintergrund

Our Story 2018-2024



Founding of Magic Billion

March 2019

We will be active for the first time in the Schengen area for a company in Italy

August 2020

For the first time, we are placing Indian specialists for the hospitality industry in Germany

January 2024

We send over 1,000 candidates to Germany every year to fill positions in more than 20 professions


We place skilled workers with vocational training and trainees

for numerous industries and professional groups, including:

  • Technical professions: metalworking specialists, mechatronics engineers, electricians, model makers, engineers
  • Food and hospitality industry: bakers, butchers, catering and system catering specialists, hotel specialists, Ayurveda chefs
  • Healthcare: nursing professionals
  • Trade: salespeople, meat salespeople
  • Agriculture: animal keepers
  • Logistics: professional drivers, warehouse workers, bus drivers
  • Construction industry: process mechanics, concrete workers, carpenters, bricklayers, machine operators, plant operators, technical draftsmen, precast concrete workers

Our candidates are highly motivated and make great efforts to qualify and prepare themselves as best as possible for their future job in Germany.

Trained specialists with appropriate qualifications

  • We recruit specialists for all sectors and professional groups - from IT to industry and manufacturing
  • We ensure that German language skills and additional technical know-how are acquired in India
    The preparation process until new employees arrive in Germany takes about 4-5 months


  • We place trainees in all sectors
  • Our candidates receive full-time German lessons in India up to language level B1, which are completed with a certificate from the Goethe Institute
    After their arrival in Germany, we support our candidates for a further 6 months to ensure their successful integration

Frequently asked questions

The recruitment of international specialists is often subject to prejudices – which we would like to invalidate for you.

Is it true that the process is lengthy and complicated?
From the selection of candidates to the acquisition of language skills to applying for the Visa –, the process is complex and takes several months. But we take on these tasks for our customers. All you have to do is formulate your requirements – and can then follow the process transparently via our online tracking.
What is the success rate when filling vacancies?
We are proud of our very high success rate. More than 95% of the candidates we propose: they get their jobs, and a large part of these employees: inside remains permanently in Germany.
How well does the integration of foreign employees work?
We prepare our candidates for their new living and working environment in full-time courses lasting several months. In addition to the mandatory German lessons, we also provide cultural foundations. After arriving in Germany, we support employers and employees during the familiarization phase.
Is it true that the candidates are often overqualified?
We ensure in advance that the profile of our candidates fits the requirement profile of the job being advertised. The review of professional qualifications is part of the background check that all of our applicants go through.

With tailor-made solutions for our customers, we have been the market leader in Germany since 2019 in the placement of well-trained Indian workers.

Aditi Banerjee
CEO & Mitbegründerin

Our 8-step process simplifies the international talent search

Step 1: We get an idea of your requirements
Each job requires certain professional and personal qualifications. We work closely with HR managers to define these requirements – technical knowledge, qualifications, cultural aspects and soft skills. So that we can find the right person for the right job.
Step 2: We create a competence profile and a settings toolbox
The competence profile describes all skills, qualifications and personality traits necessary for the job. On this basis, we put together a setting toolbox – which consists of job description, assessment criteria and an evaluation framework that ensures a standardized and objective selection process.
Step 3: We start looking for candidates in India
We use various channels such as job portals, social media, professional networks and partnerships with educational institutions to find potential candidates. We use recruitment agencies and our own teams to acquire personnel in order to address suitable applicants.
Step 4: selection process over several roundtables with the Magic Billion team
In a series of discussions, we check the technical and character suitability of promising candidates for the intended job. The interviews are conducted by different members of our personnel acquisition teams, to incorporate several perspectives into the evaluation. We use structured interview techniques to compare the qualifications of our applicants against the competence profile.
Step 5: validation of required documents and risk assessment
We verify the curriculum vitae and qualifications of our candidates: inside: we check certificates, educational qualifications and references, and carry out background checks.
Step 6: interview with the employer (virtual or in our training centers)
We present suitable candidates to our customers in personal conversations. These take place either as a video conference or on site in our training centers.
Step 7: Training and certification in our language academy and the technical training center
We find out in which areas our candidates need additional qualifications and ensure that missing skills are acquired so that they fully meet the requirements of their new job.
Step 8: Visa, cultural training and travel to Germany
We support our candidates in applying for their visas and take care of all legal requirements. In special training courses, we convey cultural subtleties to the candidate to ensure optimal integration at their new place of residence and work. We accompany the process of entry into Germany until the start of the new job in the German company.
Illustration einer laufenden männlichen und einer weiblichen Person
Illustration einer laufenden weiblichen Person

Our successes speak for themselves


Customers worldwide from various industries and industries


Indian specialists and trainees placed worldwide


Success rate in the placement of specialists and trainees


Foto der jungen Inderin Haritha aus einem Fernsehbeitrag der Sendung
Foto des jungen Inders Adarsh an seinem Arbeitsplatz in der KfZ-Werkstatt im Austausch mit einem deutschen Kollegen

“ Magic Billion does an excellent job for us in the search for motivated young people for training in India (...) and is like a sixth in the lottery for our companies. We look forward to further cooperation. ”

Joachim Lederer, master butcher
Member of the board of the Freiburg Chamber of Crafts

Some of our satisfied customers in Germany

Logo des DEHOGA BundesverbandesLogo der Firma K+B ApparatebauLogo der Firma Schäfereien - Guter Geschmack aus TraditionLogo der Handwerkskammer FreiburgLogo der Firma SteidleLogo der Certif-IDLogo der Müller-Gruppe - Lust auf FleischLogo des DEHOGA BundesverbandesLogo der Firma K+B ApparatebauLogo der Firma Schäfereien - Guter Geschmack aus TraditionLogo der Handwerkskammer FreiburgLogo der Firma SteidleLogo der Certif-IDLogo der Müller-Gruppe - Lust auf FleischLogo des DEHOGA BundesverbandesLogo der Firma K+B ApparatebauLogo der Firma Schäfereien - Guter Geschmack aus TraditionLogo der Handwerkskammer FreiburgLogo der Firma SteidleLogo der Certif-IDLogo der Müller-Gruppe - Lust auf Fleisch
Logo des Unternehmens SeinzLogo der Firma Schmidt-AnkumLogo des Unternehmens new2Logo der Metzgerei Schmitz - Wurst und FleischLogo der Handwerkskammer UlmLogo des Unternehmens Edeka SimmelLogo des Unternehmens SeinzLogo der Firma Schmidt-AnkumLogo des Unternehmens new2Logo der Metzgerei Schmitz - Wurst und FleischLogo der Handwerkskammer UlmLogo des Unternehmens Edeka SimmelLogo des Unternehmens SeinzLogo der Firma Schmidt-AnkumLogo des Unternehmens new2Logo der Metzgerei Schmitz - Wurst und FleischLogo der Handwerkskammer UlmLogo des Unternehmens Edeka Simmel

Selected press reviews from Germany

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

"Die Inder sind mein Kapital"

Deutschland hat zu wenig, Indien zu viele Fachkräfte. Der badische Metzgermeister Joachim Lederer erkennt darin das Potential für eine Revolution.


Viele Jobs, keine Bewerber - Fachkräfte verzweifelt gesucht

In Deutschland werden verzweifelt Fachkräfte gesucht, 1,8 Millionen Stellen sind momentan nicht besetzt. Vor allem in der Sozialarbeit, Kinderbetreuung und Pflege fehlen Arbeitskräfte, ebenso im Handwerk. Die Alarmlampen leuchten rot, denn wenn nicht entgegengesteuert wird, werden alle früher oder später davon betroffen sein. Geht dem strapazierten deutschen Arbeitsmarkt das Personal aus? Ist der Wohlstand in Gefahr?


Hubertus Heil in Indien: Fachkräfte anwerben

Deutschland benötigt dringend qualifizierte Fachkräfte. Nun ist Arbeitsminister Heil nach Indien gereist, um unter anderem Ingenieure, Pflegekräfte und IT-Spezialisten anzuwerben.

netzwerk südbaden

Recruiting: Emotionen wecken

Wie findet und bindet man Mitarbeitende? Diese Frage stellt sich jedes Unternehmen – und jüngst auch der Marketing-Talk in Freiburg. Dort gab es Antworten von Branchenvertretern aus dem Baugewerbe, Gastro­nomie und Handwerk. 

Handwerkskammer Freiburg

AINS-AH – Aus Indien nach Südbaden – Auszubildende fürs Handwerk

Der Fachkräftemangel im Handwerk wird immer spürbarer. Viele Betriebe finden kaum mehr geeignete Auszubildende. Das Fachkräfte-Einwanderungsgesetz bietet Möglichkeiten, junge Menschen aus dem Ausland für eine Ausbildung in Deutschland zu gewinnen. Die Handwerkskammer Freiburg hat sich mit einem Pilotprojekt zusammen mit der Fleischer-Innung Lörrach auf den Weg gemacht.

Zeit Online Arbeit

Indische Fachkräfte: Gekommen, um Wurst zu wiegen

Sie sind IT-Expertin oder Mechaniker. Jetzt sind 13 Menschen aus Indien nach Südbaden gezogen, um in Metzgereien ausgebildet zu werden. Dort hofft man, dass sie bleiben.

Badische Zeitung

Indische Metzger-Azubis bewähren sich in Südbaden

Vor einem halben Jahr haben 13 Inder ihre Ausbildung im südbadischen Fleischerhandwerk begonnen. Nun ziehen die Organisatoren eine erste, positive Bilanz. Im Sommer kommen neue Azubis.

BBC (in englischer Sprache)

The great German sausage crisis

The German butchers' trade association says there are “massive problems” finding trained staff and young people who want to learn from the bottom up. In Lörrach, in the south-west of Germany, the Chamber of Handcraft, is now looking overseas in order to preserve local culinary traditions. A group of apprentices from India has just started a three-year training programme at the local college and various shops in the vicinity.

The Wall Street Journal (in englischer Sprache)

What Everyone – Except the U.S. – Has Learned About Immigration

Washington remains divided over allowing more foreign workers while global rivals lower barriers to ease persistent labor shortages. Migration to affluent countries is at record highs, and some nations short of workers are overcoming political opposition to open their borders even wider, hoping to fill jobs and ease inflation.


Would you like to learn more about our tailor-made solutions?

Illustration einer weiblichen Person die auf eine sitzende männliche Person zuläuft während beide ein @-Zeichen halten